Ko te Lakes nuinga Ataahua I roto i Northern Italy
(Whakahōu Mutunga I: 30/04/2021)
Ki etahi o tere tereina o Europe me te nuinga ara momona, Haere nga Lakes nuinga Ataahua i roto i Northern Italy e tereina he economical, hāneanea, me te whakatika, whakahere he tirohanga ki te ora rohe, maha ki te whakaaro nui maka ki te utu.
Ki te wahi o matika whakamahere ara me te ngāwari hōtaka, Ka taea e tino ngāwari koe ohipa paari no te hōtaka e ka meinga e te haere noa rite mīharo rite te ūnga.
- tuhituhia tenei tuhinga i ki whakaako e pā ana ki Train Travel, a ka hanga e Tiaki A Train, Ko te na'ina'i Train Tickets paetukutuku I roto i te Ao.
Toro Northern Italy
Ka rite ki te nuinga o nga whenua, Itari kua ona ake wehenga Te Tai Tokerau-Tonga ki Northern Itariana whakamanamana e hanga e ratou tapahanga ōhanga te whenua o me powerhouse ahumahi.
Mai i eyewear ki ahua ki te kai, pūkete rohe o te raki o Italy mo runga i 50% o te ōhanga Italian ... ahakoa kei roto iti iho i te hawhe o te taupori o te whenua o!
Ko te 8 rohe e:
- Valley Aosta
- Piedmont
- Liguria
- Lombardy
- Emilia Romagna
- Veneto
- Friuli Venezia Giulia
- Trentino-Alto Adige / Südtirol
whiwhi Around
Ngā mihi ki awhe maunga e rua, e rima ngā roto wai māori, pukepuke awhiowhio, me seaports papai katoa, reira he rota o rerenga kētanga i roto i Te Tai Tokerau Italy, ara i roto i tawhiti poto. Ka taea e koe te tiimata i to wiki o te kauhoe i roto i nga Dolomites, tīraha i pā ana ki roto i te roto o Como me mutu i te haerenga kai i runga i ngā kaimoana i roto i cinque Terre!
Ko te hunga e hiahia ahua a kore kai e whakama rānei. Kei te aroha pa Whero-hipoki rite Bologna whakaaro Itari pa o haunga taikaha i Parma waho he kaihanga-ao te piha haapiiraa o te prosciutto me pāmehana.
Na, o te akoranga, kei reira nga taone rongonui e rua o Milan me Venise ki te ite i roto i te Te Tai Tokerau o Itari! A ti'aturi i ahau, ina mea ahau, ka kitea nga manuhiri te tahi mea ki te aroha ki konei.
Hoki te ngāwari te nuinga, kia koe haea te motokā ina haere ki te kite i Lakes ngā i roto i te Northern Italy. Ki te hiahia koe ki te whakawhirinaki i runga i te iwi whānui kawe waka, ka taea te mahi.
Ngā roto i roto i te Raki Italy – Roto Komo
Whakahua Lake Como ki tetahi me tūponotanga he, ka marama o ratou kanohi ake a ka mea ratou "George Clooney!"
Roto Komo, mohiotia hoki rite Lario, ko te tuatoru nui rawa atu o nga roto i te taha raki o Itari, ki te hohonu mōrahi o āhua 410 mita (448 iari), Ko hoki tetahi o nga roto hohonu i roto i Europe.
Fact nohopuku: I mohio koe, Ko tōna uiga toi, haamana'oraa o te Kōarotia Y, hua i te rewa o kōpaka ngā ki te mahi erosive o te awa Adda tawhito. arahina tenei ki te hanganga o te e rua ona peka tonga, i roto i te waenganui o e reira ko te ao rongonui Bellagio.
Kei i te waewae o te Puke-māeroero, Lake Como whakarato tetahi o te nuinga ātaahua censorious i roto i te ao. Ki te haere koe ki te haere ki te roto Italian, ka waiho koe miharo ki te ako e pā ana ki te mea maha ki te mahi i roto i te roto o Como haunga rongonui spotting!
Ko ahau i runga i te poti!
Haunga te meka e whiwhi ki Northern Italy e Train he he kahore-brainer, ka whakaae taatau ko te eke i runga i te poti he tino rawe ano hoki. Ina koa ka hiahia koe wheako Lake Como i ngā i ona pai.
Ahakoa ko koe toro Lake Como mo te ra noho roa ranei, peke runga te poti, wātea me te tae koutou pa tino: Bellagio, Varena, rite, ranei pea tetahi o te villas hītori i runga i nga takutai o te moana.
Roto Garda
Lake Garda Ko tetahi o te Lakes nui rawa i roto i Itari ki te Raki me te nui rawa i roto i te roto glacial o ngā roto Italy rima, whangai e te Puke-māeroero i roto i te raki. Te Tai Tokerau o Verona, Lake Garda Ko te whānau te nuinga – me te wai hākinakina-hāngai o roto Italy. Koinei hoki te roto nui rawa o Itari, pa i te mania maunga pari ki te mata raki o te raorao Po.
Kapi katoa ana te taha tonga e takutai me tautokona e pukepuke iti. I roto i te raki, maunga me pari anake taniko te moana, rawa me te hauauru uta. Ko tōna whenua e homai te moana te momo whānui o wae mō hākinakina aroha- tūruhi. Mai i hau on mō te rere, me te mirihau ki nga maunga mo te piki, rappelling, me te pahikara maunga, katoa ki te tirohanga roto.
Ahakoa pai rongo. tauwāhi Lake Garda o homai reira te huarere tau-a tawhio noa te wahi pai tupu oriwa, me rēmana te raki o ratou whānuitanga mua. Perfect hoki etahi ahiahi G&T! Taapirihia he one roa one me te mamau o pa ki promenades kaipuke, whakaaro. Kua ka e koe koe te tino hararei ūnga!
Trento ki Trains Lake Garda Peschiera
Bolzano Bozen ki Trains Lake Garda Peschiera
Bologna ki Trains Lake Garda Peschiera
Venice ki Trains Lake Garda Peschiera
Na me pehea e koe ongo'i rite te mahi e haere ana ki te kite i etahi Lakes i Northern Italy? E hiahia ana ki te whakaora wa, me te moni ia Te haerere ki te Raki o Itari ma te Tereine? Tāpui koutou tīkiti tereina katoa te whakamahi i Tiaki A Train i roto i te meneti, ki kahore he utu huna!
E hiahia ana koe ki te whakaū i to matou pou blog ki runga i tō pae, rānei koe e taea te tango i to tatou whakaahua me kuputuhi, me te tika homai tatou nama ki te hono ki tenei pou rangitaki, ranei pāwhiri koe i konei: https://embed.ly/code?url = https://www.saveatrain.com/blog/beautiful-lakes-northern-italy/- (Panuku ki raro, he iti ki te kite i te Code Tāmau)
- Ki te hiahia koe ki te kia atawhai ki o koutou kaiwhakamahi, Ka taea e koe te ārahi tika ratou ki to tatou whārangi rapu. I roto i tenei hononga, ka kitea e koe o matou ara tereina tino rongonui – https://www.saveatrain.com/routes_sitemap.xml. Roto whai koe o matou hononga mō English whārangi tauranga, engari ano hoki i tatou https://www.saveatrain.com/ja_routes_sitemap.xml, a ka taea e koe te huri i te / ja ki / reira ranei / tr me te ake reo.