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Free Interactive Train Game

Train Game – Train Interactive Game – Free Trains Game – Trains Simulator – Interactive Trains


Interactive Train Game

Step inside the amazing world of railways and enjoy this unique trains simulator game, every couple of seconds a new train leaves the station and you have to fix the tracks to the numbered moving train, so it can get safely to the right destination.


Train Game Rules

These are some rules, guidelines, and features for our free Trains Game:

  1. Click Play on the top left of the train game.
  2. Then scroll and click Start in the middle of game screen.
  3. You can change the trains map.
  4. Each train has a number on it and the destination train station has also a number.
  5. The rail tracks in this game have to be fixed in a way to allow the passage of the train to its destination.
  6. If you reach the right destination in this Interactive train game, you will get positive points.
  7. If your train gets to the wrong destination in the trains simulator, you will be awarded negative points.
  8. You can ignore the trees in the Train interactive game, they are just to make the game view more enjoyable, they don’t generate any score for you.
  9. The game is suitable for both adults and kids who enjoy trains.
  10. Our train simulator game is completely free, you may support us by:
  • Register to our blog mailing list
  • Buy train tickets on saveatrain.com


Our Train Simulator Main Screen

Here is a sneak preview of our Train game main page (the actual game is below), start today to be a rail magnate.

  • In order to play the train game you need to click on PLAY on the top left, and then START in the middle of the screen


Train game main page


Finally Our Interactive Trains Game

No Game Real Train Routes

These are some of the major train routes that you can find on the saveatrain.com website.

Milan to Rome tickets

Florence to Rome tickets

Pisa to Rome tickets

Naples to Rome tickets

Brussels to Bruges tickets

Antwerp to Bruges tickets

Brussels to Vienna tickets

Ghent to Bruges tickets

Amsterdam to London tickets

Paris to London tickets

Berlin to London tickets

Brussels to London tickets

Frankfurt to Berlin tickets

Copenhagen to Berlin tickets

Hanover to Berlin tickets

Hamburg to Berlin tickets



Save A Train always places its customers the travelers and trains travelers before the company profits, we believe this creates a better bond between us and support Save A Train in the long term, therefore we always try to create enjoyable and useful content for you, this time we chose to make a free train game, so you don’t pay for another game or train game app and also remember us as giving you amusement for free ? ?.


Now that you found out about our Superb Free Train Game, we believe you should also know that to get the Best and Cheapest Train Tickets Prices – You should order your train tickets at Save A Train.


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