Sijhawm Nyeem Ntawv: 5 feeb
(Xeem tshiab Nyob: 04/11/2022)

Teb chaws Europe yog lub tsev mus rau ib qho array ntawm keeb kwm thiab breathtaking architecture, feem ntau ntawm uas yog tej los ntawm lub teb chaws lub loj heev sau los ntawm qhov chaw ntawm kev teev tiam. Yog vim li cas niaj hnub no, peb twb npawv 3 hais tias peb xav ua tsis yuav tsum-pom, yuav tsum vov lub ntiaj teb no-nrov npe tsev nyob ib co ntawm cov teb chaws Europe nto moo tshaj plaws lub zos.


1. St Peter Basilica, Lub nroog Vatican

Nyob rau hauv lub phab ntsa ntawm lub ntiaj teb tsawg tshaj plaws lub teb chaws, Lub nroog Vatican, St Peter Basilica yog undoubtedly ib tug ntawm civilization loj tshaj feats ntawm architecture thiab kos duab. Tam sim no ib tug loj attraction duab 10 lab qhua ib xyoos, no stunning qauv overlooks St Peter lub Square thiab boasts ib tug opulent ua ke ntawm historic kos duab, marble kab, thiab lub cim mosaic-kab dome tsim los ntawm Michelangelo (uas koj muaj peev xwm nce mus rau lub sab saum toj ntawm, koj yuav tsum tau twv rau noj nyob rau hauv lub 491 kauj ruam ntawm txoj kev!).

Txawm tias qhov no yog xws li ib tug nrov chaw cov tourists, muaj yog tseem muaj ib tug nruj kev hnav ris tsho code tswj tias koj yuav tsum tau paub txog ua ntej mus xyuas. Koj yuav tsum hnav ntev ris (lub ntsiab lus tsis muaj luv, hais txog ntawm yuav ua li cas kub Italian hnub yog), nrog cov poj niam tso cai rau hnav daim tiab ntev tshaj li lub hauv caug ntev. Lub xub pwg nyom yuav tsum tau them los ntawm tag nrho cov genders txhua lub sij hawm.

St Peter Basilica yog qhib txhua hnub los ntawm 7 am-7pm nyob rau hauv lub plaub hlis rau lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj thiab 7 am-6pm los ntawm Lub kaum hli ntuj rau lub peb hlis ntuj. Nkag teb chaws yog free (txawm hais tias yog kev txais neeg kawm cov nqi rau cov ticketed seem, xws li St Peter lub Txhab nyiaj thiab St Peter lub Dome), Txawm li cas los, tsum paub hais tias lub queues yuav ua tau ntev, vim lub tshav dav hlau-style scanners thiab kev ruaj ntseg koj yuav tsum kis tau los ntawm thawj.

Milan mus rau tim Loos tsheb ciav hlau

Florence mus rau tim Loos tsheb ciav hlau

Pisa rau Rome tsheb ciav hlau

Naples mus rau tim Loos tsheb ciav hlau


St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican is on Europe's Must-See Places Of Worship


2. Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Lub xiav Mosque), Istanbul

Nyob rau hauv Qaib Cov Txwv lub transcontinental nroog, Istanbul, lub Sultan Ahmed Mosque yog feem ntau xa mus rau raws li lub xiav Mosque vim hais tias ntawm nws cov cim xiav sab hauv. Ua los ntawm cov Ottoman sultan Ahmed kuv ntawm 1609 thiab 1616, no impressive qauv ua raws li ib tug loj neeg mus ncig tebchaws attraction thiab ib tug active qhov chaw ntawm kev teev tiam, lub ntsiab lus lub mosque yog kaw rau uas tsis yog-pe hawm thaum lub sij hawm lub tsib hnub tej lus thov – sijhawm thov tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas ntawm no ua ntej koj mus ntsib.

Muaj yog ib tug nruj tiab code tias tag nrho cov neeg tuaj xyuas yuav tsum tau ua raws li ua ntej yuav mus hauv lub mosque. Ua ntej, nkawm khau yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm thiab muab tso rau hauv lub meej lub hnab yas yog muab los ntawm lub mosque dawb xwb – koj ces muaj cov kev xaiv kom tseg koj nkawm khau nyob rau hauv ib tug cubby qhov los yog nqa lub hnab nrog koj. Thaum nws los txog rau koj cov khaub ncaws, txiv neej yuav tsum xaiv rau xoob khaub ncaws thiab xyuas kom meej lawv ob txhais ceg yog them, zam cov khoom xws li vests thiab luv. Cov poj niam tseem yuav tsum hnav khaub ncaws xoob xoob kom ntseeg tau tias lawv caj npab, ob txhais ceg, thiab cov plaub hau yuav them rau tag nrho cov ntsiab lus. Qhov no txhais tau hais tias cov poj niam yuav tsum tau hnav ib headscarf thaum sab hauv thiab, raws li qhov no tej zaum yuav ib tug tshiab lub tswvyim rau ntau uas tsis yog-Muslim Western qhua, peb pom zoo kawm yuav ua li cas kom raug hnav no coj khaub ncaws tseem ceeb ua ntej koj mus.

Nkag teb chaws yog free (txawm tias ib tug me me pub dawb los pab txhawb kom cov kev upkeep ntawm lub tsev yog xav kom ua raws li qhov tawm) thiab, ib zaug hauv, photography nrog flash yog tso cai, lub ntsiab lus koj nyob nraum free coj kom ntau snaps ntawm lub mosque tus impressive sab hauv. lawm, nws mus tsis tau hais, hais tias raws li lub Sultan Ahmed Mosque tseem yog ib qho active qhov chaw ntawm kev teev tiam, yuav paub tseeb tias nyob twj ywm ntsiag to thiab muaj kev sib fwm ntawm ob lub tsev thiab tej uas pe hawm thaum lub sij hawm koj mus ntsib.


Sultan Ahmed Mosque


3. Cov Sagrada Familia Basilica, Barcelona

La Sagrada Familia Basilica tau ua ib tug iconic Mev landmark, txawm lub fact lub tsev yog tseem nyob rau hauv kev tsim kho – txawm hais tias ua hauj lwm pib nyob rau hauv 1882, nws yog tam sim no tsis yuav tsum tau ua kom tiav kom txog thaum 2026! nonetheless, no semi-tiav Roman Catholic lub tsev teev ntuj no twb ib architectural masterpiece, ua rau nws ib tug indisputable yuav tsum-saib attraction rau cov qhua los ntawm thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb.

Qhib rau churchgoers thiab cov neeg tuaj xyuas txij thaum lub xyoo pua puv 19, Cov Sagrada Familia Basilica koj txais 4.5 lab qhua txhua txhua xyoo thiab tam sim no ua hauj lwm ib tug ticketed nkag system raws li ib tug tshwm sim – cov no muaj nyob rau yuav hauv online txog li ob lub hlis ua ntej hnub koj tuaj ntsib. Cov daim pib ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv tas nkag lub sij hawm raws li ib tug txhais tau tias ntawm kev txo menyuamcoob, Txawm li cas los, ib zaug koj nyob nraum hauv koj nyob nraum free los yog siv raws li ntev raws li koj xav admiring lub impressive sab hauv. Peb pom zoo kom cia tsawg kawg 2 teev kom tau nyob rau hauv no architectural zem. Rau cov qhua saib mus koom ib pawg ntseeg kev pab cuam, loj yog muaj nyob rau ntawm 9 am txhua txhua hnub Sunday thiab 8 teev tsaus ntuj txhua txhua hnub Saturday, ntev 1 teev thiab raug ua nyob rau hauv ntau yam lus.

La Sagrada Familia Basilica officially siv tus qauv tiab code rau Roman Catholic churches, Txawm li cas los, qhov no tsis zoo li yuav tsum tau raws li nruj me ntsis tswj raws li nws yog nyob rau hauv lub Sultan Ahmed Mosque los yog St Peter Basilica. Qhov no hais tias yog hais tias, nws yog tseem peb pom zoo ua raws li no tiab code thaum twg ua tau, lub ntsiab lus koj yuav tsum tau tshem tawm tej headwear li nkag, hnav kom tsim nyog lub cev khaub ncaws uas koj lub xub pwg nyom, rov qab, thiab midriff thiab coj legwear uas npog hauv qab no tus ncej puab.


La Sagrada Familia Basilica of Europe's Must-See Places Of Worship


Teb chaws Europe yog lub tsev mus rau ntau zoo nkauj qhov chaw ntawm kev pe hawm hais tiag encapsulate lub unrivaled hwj chim ntawm architecture thiab kev cai dab qhuas kev tshoov siab. Mus saib cov me ntsis thawj-tes, mus rau hauv lub teb chaws los ntawm lub tsheb ciav hlau thiab phau ntawv nrog Txuag A tsheb ciav hlau kom tsis txhob muaj pob zeb upturned thoob plaws teb chaws Europe ntau qhov chaw thiab attractions.



Koj puas xav embed peb blog ncej “3 Ntawm cov teb chaws Europe yuav tsum-Saib Chaw Ntawm Txojkev Pe Hawm” mus rau koj qhov chaw? Koj yuav yog siv sij hawm peb cov duab thiab cov ntawv nyeem thiab muab peb credit nrog ib tug txuas mus no blog ncej. Los yog nyem qhov no: ကျွန်တော် ့ ရဲ.- (Scroll cia ib tug me ntsis saib cov Embed Code)

  • Yog hais tias koj xav ua zoo rau koj cov neeg siv, koj muaj peev xwm coj tau lawv ncaj qha mus rau hauv peb nplooj ntawv nrog qhov link saum toj no los yog siv cov link.
  • Nyob rau hauv lub nram qab no txuas, koj yuav nrhiav tau peb nrov tshaj plaws lub tsheb ciav hlau khiav –, qhov txuas no yog rau cov lus Askiv kev tsaws nplooj ntawv, tiam sis peb kuj muaj, thiab koj yuav hloov lub tr rau FR los yog de thiab ntau hom lus uas koj xaiv.