Wā Panui: 7 meneti
(Whakahōu Mutunga I: 11/06/2021)

A, no te whakamahere koe i te haerenga ki Ūropi, e fehangahangai koe ki kōwhiringa kia maha! wahi Lauikuonga me ngā wheako, ka taea e koe te haere mo nga tau ka mohio koe kua ngaro koe i tetahi mea nui. Ma tenei ka arahi ki te hanga i te hape haerenga Tuhinga o mua, a ngaro atu i runga i nga kōrero iti e hanga haere me te haere tereina kia mīharo. kei tatou i konei ki te korero ki a koutou te mea e kore e meatia e koutou ko pēhea te ki te whakamahere i te haerenga ki Ūropi, i tīmatanga ki te whakaoti!


Aki 1: Whakawhāiti reira Raro

I mua ka taea e koe wheako Tapas Spanish tūturu, piazza i roto i te Roma, ranei papa o runga i Prague, hiahiatia he moka nui o admin te! Mämä noa iho, te rite atu e koe ina whakamahere koe i te haerenga ki Ūropi, te nui o koutou tūponotanga o ngahau me te haerenga ahotea-free e ora ake ki o koutou tūmanako.

Na koinei te tohu Tiaki A Tereina: whiriwhiri i te rima runga, me-dos mo taua mōrearea Pākehā! Mahalo te reira’s te inu i roto i te Hofbrauhaus i roto i Munich, ranei tango i te haerenga awa i roto i Amsterdam, ranei ui a Rawiri-i maha koki – i roto i Florence. Ko nga mea katoa ko te reira, tohu te hunga ki raro, ka whakamahere i tou haerenga a tawhio noa ratou. Pai e tereina.

Milan ki Trains Florence

London ki Trains Paris

Prague to Kiriti tereina

Frankfurt ki Munich tereina tikiti


prague rooftop, pick your own rooftop when you plan a trip to europe


Aki 2: Kaua e karo i te clichés.

Na e kua whakapumautia matou e hiahia ana koe ki te whakamahere i te haerenga ki Ūropi, i muri te ma'itiraa i to outou ūnga runga. I roto i te wairua o YOLO, hinaaro ai koe ki te haere atu i te ara, he mea patu, ka rapu hoki kohatu huna i roto i te pa. Otiia ki te Hipster i roto ia koutou e hiahia haere ki te ūnga auraki, kia hiahia ana ki te tango i te nohoanga. I runga i te tūruhi pahi. He te te take he aha wahi rite te COLOSSEUM, te Eiffel Tower, a Te Piriti Charles he katoa tino rongonui ki tūruhi: kei whakamataku ratou! Kaua e whakaaro me whai koe atu i te ara kua whiua noa hoki tenei. Ki te te nui wae he tohe ki a koutou, ka haere me te kite ratou.

E te tohu taua, e kore hamani i te buka arata'i rite te rongopai. kia mea reira ko te Louvre he tino me-mahi i runga i te haerenga ki Paris, engari akene he pai ake to ra rapu Ka ataata te kiore mongamonga i runga i nga pakitara ara. ngāwari, ina haere koe, he matua, tonu!

London ki Trains Frankfurt

Brussels ki Trains London

London ki te tīkiti Cologne Train

London ki Brussels tereina Tauira


Aki 3: He mea nui nga ra haerenga ka whakamahere ana koe kia haere ki Uropi

Haere i roto i te taima atu. marama Popular Ko Hōngongoi, Akuhata, a Mahuru. Ko ratou insanely pukumahi, kore ki te whakahua i te utu! Ki te whakamahere koe i te haerenga ki Europa i roto i Summer, ka kia te faaiteraa i koe nga wheako kotahi ki milioni e milioni o koutou hoa tata. Ka Accommodation e tāpuia atu, ranei utu a ka waiho Trains nui atu tonu, kitenga e he ratou te ara pai ki te haere!

Amsterdam ki Trains London

Rotterdam ki Trains London

Paris ki Trains London

Brussels ki Trains London


check the calendar when you plan a trip to Europe


Aki 4: Huihuia mai o pepa haerenga hei waahanga o te mahere haerenga ki Europe

Ki te kore koe e whai i te uruwhenua, ka koe pai whiwhi te hangai! Ka tangohia e te reira i te iti rawa e wha ki te ono wiki i te wa o te tono mo ki a koe riro tetahi. (Runga anō i te aha whenua ora koutou i roto i o te akoranga) Ka taea e ngā ratonga timataria te tere ake te tukanga, engari ka utu i te reira koutou. Ko te pai ki te tango i te tiaki o tenei poka i mua i te aroaro o to koutou haerenga. Kua whai te uruwhenua? Tirohia tona rā paunga! Ka taea e whakakahore ētahi whenua tomokanga koe ki te pau te reira i roto i 6 marama o ina tae koutou. eek!

Brussels ki Trains Amsterdam

London ki Trains Amsterdam

Berlin ki Trains Amsterdam

Paris ki Trains Amsterdam



Aki 5: Renting te motokā.

hiahia ki haea te motokā ina whakamahere koe i te haerenga ki Ūropi? Kia tino ki te whai raihana o te taraiwa whaimana. rapu hoki ētahi kamupene rīhi motokā haere ki te whai raihana o te taraiwa te ao i roto i te tua ki te raihana o to ratou taraiwa i to ratou whenua o te take.

Strasbourg ki Te Papa Tongarewa

Paris ki Trains Marseilles

Roma ki Trains Milan

Geneva ki Trains Zurich


Aki 6: Kaua e kore i runga i-fao koutou hōtaka ki ngā ūnga maha rawa.

Ka rite ki whakahuatia i mua i, he maama noa te kaha ki te mahi me te ngana ki te tarai i nga waahanga maha. Ko te rawa mārama. Me tō poroporoaki utu nui ki te kia pai whakamahia, na te mea ohie ki te tamata i runga-fao koutou itineraries ka whakamahere i te haerenga ki Ūropi. Heoi, Ka taea e kia utu nui tenei (kore ki te whakahua i fakaongosia), rite runga-pikau haerenga ki ūnga maha rawa i roto i torutoru rawa ra arata'i ki te wā atu i runga i te ara, me te ake hau ranei tīkiti tereina. I roto i te wā tino, Ka taea e maumau'i reira he haerenga, tahuri te reira ki te rākau o te hotera Taki-mai, me te tirohia-omanga (ki tarapēke tamau, me te whakangita), i te mātakitaki i te iwi whenua kore-tae mai mua te matapihi tereina. Ki te taea, pōturi iho. e tika koe whakaora i runga i transportation a riro atu te wā ki te tūhura i tō ūnga.

Brussels to papa tīkiti Rotterdam Train

Antwerp ki Tikiihiki Rotterdam

He tikiti to Berlin to Rotterdam Train

Nga tīkiti Paris ki Rotterdam Train



Aki 7: Exchange Money

ururua haere te rota o te moni hoko euros i to ratou pēke (kino ranei ano, i te counter utu moni) i mua i tae i roto i Europe. Nā tēnei, i roto i te utu hefty! na kaua e wareware ki tenei kaupapa ka whakamahere ana koe kia haere ki Uropi.

To tatou tohutohu ko ki te upoko tonu atu ki te ATM ina tae koutou i roto i Europe, ka whakahoki iho moni mā te whakamahi i tō kāri ATM. E mea ohie, me te rate utu e whiwhi koe mo te hoko, ko te tata tino pai atu i tetahi auau kua ara whiwhi tatou i pareparenga kāinga. Karangatia tō pēke i mua i waiho koe ki te ui e pā ana ki utu hoko ATM ao, me te whakamōhio ia ratou e ka whakamahi koe tou kāri ki waho. Ki te kore e korero ki a koutou a ratou, akene he whakamaarama ki a ratau ki te whakaaro he tinihanga, a ka aukati i tō kāri. hoki, ui ki te he to koutou pēke wāhi o te ao ranei hononga ki rohe pareparenga i roto i Europe.

Frankfurt ki nga tīkiti o te Korowha Cologne

Brussels ki Cologne Train tikiti

Vienna to Cologne Train tīkiti

Haere atu a Stuttgart ki nga tīkiti Utu o Cologne


Aki 8: He aha ngaro koe i runga i te hīrere, riro koe i runga i te roundabouts

Kaua e patunga tapu koutou tauwāhi mō penapena hotel iti. matou tūtohu hoatu hiahia ki to koutou Airbnb hotera ranei ki te wāhi pokapū tino ina whakamahere koe i te haerenga ki Ūropi. haere pūtea, i roto i te ngā, i te haafifi i ki te whiriwhiri i te hotera i roto i te wāhi pāmamao e te € 5 iti ake i tetahi e te atu pokapū. e tika koe whakaora wā me te moni i runga i te transportation (rawa, ki te hau koe ake wakatono tango).

Munich ki Trains Basel

Zurich to Basel tereina pahi

Bern to Basel Train ticket

Geneva to Basel tereina pahi


airbnb vs hotel and how to plan a trip to europe


Aki 9: Kaua e wareware ki te waea ki to kaikawe waea i mua i to whakamahere haerenga ki Europi

Karangatia tō kawe kotahi koutou oti ki te whakamahere i te haerenga ki Ūropi, me te tiki i te i maheref whakamahere koe ki te whakamahi i tō waea, a ka kia whakaturia koe ki runga i tō waea ki te karo i utu raraunga kōpeka (i roto i te poto: tahuri atu raraunga pūtau me te rāhui i te maha o taupānga e taea te whakamahi i raraunga pūkoro). A, rite te mahere, piri ki te wewete whatunga Wi-Fi mō te tikiake me te unga īmēra, te tirotiro i te Paetukutuku, me te whakamahi taupānga. He Europe maha wāhiwera wifi, na e kore e waiho e koe i roto i o te pa mo te roa. Tērā, hoko he kāri Sim mo koutou waea ina whiwhi koe ki Europe.

Nga tiketi o te Toihau a Rimini ki Milan

Roma ki te tikiti o te tereina i Florence

Turin to tikiti Milan

Ko Venice to tīkiti Milan


Aki 10: He te te App hoki e

Ko te waru tekau he mahinga haerenga whakamataku ka awhina i a koe ki te whakamahere i to haerenga ki Uropi me te titiro ngawari ki nga kaihaerere ki nga waahanga e waatea ana haere puta noa i Europe.

tīmata Kaiwhakamahi mā te kato i te pa ki te tīmata me te whakaoti i roto i (hoki inaianei, te reira e tika ana ki te tīmata me te mutu te haerenga i roto i te wahi kotahi). Ka tohua te ra wehe, pehea te roa o nga haerenga ka waiho ki te maha ngā ūnga ki ngā. Ka taea hoki e ngā kaiwhakamahi te tīpako, ki te hiahia ratou ki te titiro i nga pa i roto i Europe, te Uniana o Europi, ko te Rohe Schengen ranei. Na ka te taupānga hanga i tētahi hōtaka, whakaoti ki reiti Airbnb i roto i ia pa, mo te hunga i runga i te pūtea.

Ko te taea ki te haere tonu ngā kōwhiringa te ruirui he noa tutuki te taupānga i runga i te hōtaka e titiro pai. A e kore e manukanuka ki te haere whakararuraru: E kii ana te papaanga reira āta taru i roto i rererangi tawhiti-atu me te wehenga moata o te ata ka taea nga rerenga haere i te huarahi.

Ahakoa kore te reira (ano) he pūnaha tino mō te tono i tētahi katoa haerenga Pākehā, Ka taea e Eightydays te āwhina hoatu haere te whakaaro pai o ngā utu mō ngā haerenga rerekē i pea te whakauru ia ratou ki ngā ūnga kore ai whai ratou i mua whakaaro.

Ka taea e nga tangata haereere te whakamahi te paetukutuku Eightydays te hou ranei i whakarewahia iOS taupānga ki te whakamahere i o raatau haerenga Pakeha.

Lyon to London Ngaahi tereina

Amsterdam ki nga waahi tereina Antwerp

Brussels ki Frankfurt Nga waahi tereina

Brussels ki Mainz tereina pereoo


o te akoranga, te ara pai ki te haere, ko te wa katoa e Train! Whakaorangia te Train ko te ara pai, ki te hoko i o koutou tīkiti. Ki te he e pā ana ki ki te tāpui koe pāwhiri koutou tīkiti tereina i runga i te hono https://www.saveatrain.com ki te riro pä nui.


E hiahia ana koe ki te whakaū i to matou pou blog ki runga i tō pae, rānei koe e taea te tango i to tatou whakaahua me kuputuhi, me hoatu noa tatou i te nama ki te hono ki tenei pou rangitaki, ranei pāwhiri koe i konei: https://iframely.com/embed/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saveatrain.com%2Fblog%2Fplan-trip-europe%2F%3Flang%3Dmi - (Panuku ki raro, ki te kite i te Code Tāmau)