Reading Time: 4 minutes
(Last Updated On: 27/08/2021)

Rome is a gorgeous city, but sometimes a traveler craves a bit of variety. Those who stay in Rome long enough to explore it might wish to have a look around the area, too. Fortunately, that is what day trips are for! Considering how well connected Rome is by train with most places, the biggest challenge is choosing where to go. However, we have prepared a list to help you do just that. Here are 5 Day Trips From Rome To Explore Italy that any traveler will enjoy!


1. A Day Trip To Ostia Antica

Ostia Antica is an ancient settlement around 30km away from Rome. Back in the days of Antiquity, this town was a major port of Rome and there is plenty to see here. For instance, you can take a look at the public baths with beautiful mosaics. 

Furthermore, there is also the amphitheater and the main street. The ruins contain the remains of a few significant temples, such as the one dedicated to Hercules.

Florence to Milan Trains

Florence to Venice Trains

Milan to Florence Trains

Venice to Milan Trains

5 Day Trips From Rome To Explore Italy, Ostia Antica


2. Tivoli Italy

Another Day Trips from Rome that we suggest is Tivoli, the favorite city escape of the Roman Emperor Hadrian in the second century AD. He built Hadrians Villa in this beautiful nearby town, which he ended up liking more than his residence in Rome.

As the ultimate relaxation place, Hadrians Villa in Tivoli has gardens and libraries, and it eventually became a city itself. Palaces and temples are an intriguing part of the tour, which will make your day trip to Tivoli worth it.

Rome to Tivoli Trains

Tivoli to Rome Trains

Perugia to Tivoli Trains

Orvieto to Tivoli Trains

Tivoli Italy


3. Day Trips From Rome To Bracciano

Hop off the train after an hour-long ride from Rome, and you will have arrived at Bracciano. This gorgeous medieval town on the shores of Bracciano Lake has plenty of sights to offer. For example, you can tour the Orsini Odesalchi Castle, which was a residence of many nobles. 

What’s more, this imposing mansion was also the place where Katie Holmes married Tom Cruise in 2006. Additionally, you can tour Braccianos cathedral, which was built during medieval times.

Rome to Bracciano Trains

Bracciano to Rome Trains

Bracciano to Manziana Trains

Santa Marinella to Bracciano Trains


4. Naples

As a town of considerable historical significance, Naples is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience Italy and to take a Day Trip from Rome. Views of Mount Vesuvius, wonderful architecture, and warm, friendly locals are some of the main features of the city. However, Naples is also famous as the birthplace of pizza Margherita. What is more, you can visit the pizzeria where they made the first pizza — Antica Pizzeria PortAlba.

Milan to Naples Trains

Florence to Naples Trains

Venice to Naples Trains

Pisa to Naples Trains



5. Florence

Our final suggestion for Day Trips from Rome is Florence, which might seem to be a bit too far away for a day trip. However, it is easily and quickly accessible via train. And just seeing the historic, architecturally enchanting center of Florence will make the trip worth it. Duomo di Firence is the famous Florence cathedral, which perfectly showcases the old look of the town. Visiting Florence on a day trip from Rome is a great way to wrap up your vacation.

All of these places near Rome are worth visiting. If you are looking for a perfect day trip, pick your favorite and go. It is that easy!

Florence to Pisa Trains

Florence to Rome Trains

Bari to Florence Trains

Salerno to Florence Trains

Florence is the main Day Trips From Rome To Explore Italy


Ready for your Italian adventure? Pack your bags, plan your vacation activities, and Book Your Train Tickets on time!



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